Monday, August 25, 2008

sorry for the delay in posting

I'm in the midst of stuying for Module 2A finals and I'm getting rocked from excessive fatigue ;) Yes its a work-hard play-hard atmosphere, but at the moment there's no play. I've never been in a situation where I could honestly say that I didn't have the time to prepare for an exam to the extent that I wished; I can now say that this is the case. I'm playing catch up and I find myself in uncharted territory....a perfect recipe for some additional, unrequired stress. I can't say that its all because of school. The truth is that I've had a really busy extracurricular, and personal schedule over the last month which has taken away from my studying time. I just got back to London after attending one of my best friend's wedding in Ottawa. I was one of his two bestmen and hence I felt that it was important for me to put that ahead of studying for finals this the way the speech went well. In a previous blog entry, I mentioned that I was having writer's block with respect to writing his speech; well one day about a week ago I was able to write his speech in 15 mins! about having a good writing day ;) When it rains it pours.

I've gots lots to talk about and lots to update on....I'll get to it with a blog entry this Labour Day weekend. Wish me luck!

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