Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to Working Life

I'm starting the third week of my new job at IBM. It feels good to be back in the working world although it was a bit of an adjustment the first couple of weeks – Over the summer I’d become accustomed to waking up on my own terms, and going to bed when I felt like it. It definitely isn’t like that anymore! My first client engagement/training engagement is in Mississauga which is quite the commute from downtown (where I live). I’m getting used to Toronto traffic and I can see how people waste a lot of time on their daily commute. I’m trying to beat the traffic by going in early and staying a bit later.

The first couple of weeks have involved training, and some job shadowing to ease me into the management consulting world. It’s been quite the experience so far – keep you posted.

Over the last couple of weeks, I really feel like I’m getting back into a routine. My schedule on Monday through Friday has become pretty standardized with work, home life etc. Weekends are my time to relax and spend time with Geeta. I’ve also started running more often and for longer distances. I try to get in two 5km runs per week and one 8-10km run on the weekend. My goal is to stay as fit as possible both physically and mentally over the coming weeks.

Other than that, there hasn’t been a lot going on. The May, 2009 Ivey class continues to stay close after graduation and we get together at least once a month. We recently got together at a colleague’s place + on occasion we get together for after work drinks. Definitely miss not seeing everyone every day. I’m now starting to reminisce on the Ivey days more frequently. I miss them. What a year it was! I was looking at pictures, and our year book the other day and it really made me appreciate how amazing the year was; from the China Study Trip, to the Consulting Project, to making new friends…what a year!