Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Winds of Change

In a couple of hours, my parents are coming to visit Geeta and I for the first time since we’ve relocated to Toronto. I’m excited that they're coming up. My parents are moving to the U.K. (in a couple of weeks) for the next four years as my mother has taken a diplomatic posting with the Canadian Embassy in London. I’m excited for her and my dad. I still can’t believe that they are uprooting their lives at their age (now in their 60’s), but at the same time I am inspired that they are actually doing it. What I like most about it, besides having a place to crash in central London, is that my parents are actually following through on a dream that they’ve talked about ever since I was a child: taking a foreign posting. I am always inspired by people who follow-through on their dreams and make things happen. I try to live my life by this same principal – ‘don’t just talk about it, make things happen’. It is sad that they are moving and that the ‘Winds of Change’ are in the air in all aspect of my life at the moment - but after the MBA experience I feel more prepared to deal with change then ever before.

I spent all of last week in Ottawa helping my parents pack up their household. It is amazing how much stuff can accumulate in 30 years of occupancy. My parents had a hard time departing with many of their antique possessions, which made the move frustrating at times ;) After a few dozen rounds of debates/arguments/boxing we were able to dispose of roughly two tonnes of excess furniture, articles, clothing and junk - the move was finally completed and the new rental tenants were ready to move into my parents’ home on time and on schedule.

While in Ottawa, I also had the opportunity to meet up with a few Ivey classmates that happened to be in town. It was nice seeing them. Since Geeta and I have moved to Toronto we’ve been able to frequently meet up with Ivey friends, which has been really nice and has helped us ease the transition into the big city. Good friends in any city = good times ….in my opinion. Our social senator liaisons recently organized a class get together at a Toronto Blue Jays baseball game, which was a fantastic way for all of us in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) to meet up and catch up on the last couple of months since school ended.

With one week to go before starting my first post-MBA job at IBM, I’m feeling ready and excited to get back into the working world. I feel like I’ve been off of work for far too long now, and I think that getting back to work will help me get into a routine again. Geeta and I have been without an income for about 15 months now so the money won’t hurt either ;) I had a large list of things to do while I was off on vacation, and I’m happy to say that at least half of it was completed. My post-MBA vacation was a great time to do a lot of self-reflection and I think it was quite healthy for me. I realize that I need to work on finding more time to relax especially when I settle back into the working routine – I’ve become quite the restless soul over the last few years!!

Earlier this year I promised myself that I would read a self-improvement book called Crucial Conversations. It’s about learning to deal effectively with conversations that involve high emotions, high stakes, and opposing opinions. I’m almost finally done the book, and I must say that it is well worth the read. I highly recommend it to everyone. It is applicable to your professional life and your personal life, and it will change the way you communicate and handle yourself when it counts the most – both at home, at work, and everywhere else.

I’ll end off with an interesting set of lyrics from my favourite rock band. Yes - I know it has nothing to do with this blog entry, and the topic of 'enemies' is kind of a strange one...but thought I'd share it anyhow.

“Choose your enemies carefully because they will define you.
Make them interesting because in some ways they will mind you.
They are not there in the beginning but when your story ends.
Going to last with you longer then your friends”

~Cedars of Lebanon, U2

Until next time…



Nitin Khanna said...


I am an aspiring Ivey MBA applicant from India. I have few specific questions about the program. I would be grateful if you could answer them. Kindly provide me your email address. Otherwise, just drop a test mail to e.nitinkhanna@gmail.com if you do not wish to make your contact public here.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Sacha Gera said...

Nitin, you can contact me at sgera.mba2009@ivey.ca